Feng Shui Consultation (提升阳宅风水)
The Feng Shui of a home will affect the fortune and health of the whole family over a long period of time, and its influence cannot be underestimated. Good residential Feng Shui is coordinated by the three elements of wind, sunlight and water, coupled with the sitting direction of the house and the interaction of the five elements of the residence and its inhabitants.
We will guide you to effectively resolve any issue in the layout of your home and to enhance the fortune for you and your family no matter if it is for a new built-to-order (BTO) or an existing one.
We will always provide the most convenient and affordable method to accomplish this.
With this service, you can expect to receive a customized proposal for the layout of your home that is comfortable for you while maximising your potential for good fortune and health. Ask us to conduct a professional Feng Shui Audit on your home, and you will receive an analysis on:
- The orientation of your home and its influence on its inhabitants
- The Wealth Spots in your home and how to best take advantage of them
- The Inauspicious Positions in your home and how to solve them
- Identification of missing corners and how to overcome them
- The Career and Study Spot in your home that can help with wisdom and enlightenment
- A detailed analysis of the good and bad points of your home’s interior construction.
- Suggestions on decoration items and the location of furniture as well as a suitable colour scheme for each room of the house.
On-site versus Off-site Feng Shui Audit
An off-site Feng Shui audit is performed from the floor plan of the home and is suitable only for large-scale analysis with the possibility of finer details being missed out on. An accurate consultation relies upon the provided orientation of the plan being precise.
A floor plan audit requires you to provide descriptions of where key features are being placed such as the stove, faucet and support beams.
Analysing the Feng Shui purely off the floor plan also only allows a limited analysis of the impact from the surrounding environment of the house.
- 住宅的坐向分析与它的影响
- 住宅的财位位置与如何布置(明财位,暗财位和偏财位)
- 住宅的煞位位置与解决方案
- 住宅的缺角位置与解决方案
- 住宅的文昌位置与家具布置
- 住宅的内部建设与它的吉凶
- 住宅的周遭环境与它的影响